Shemot (Names)
Here we are in the Exodus, Shemot in Hebrew. Shemot is one of my very favorite books in the Torah. There will be multiple new beginnings in this book. So exciting! Moses is quite a guy. One of a kind. The entire nation of Israel is immersed in Moses (1 Cor 10.2). That is pretty wild. Immersed meaning they identified with him and walked after him.
One Day: The Light born on the first day of creation is called tov, or good. The Scriptures call Moses tov when he is born. We could have a connection to day one.
Genesis 1:4: And God saw the light, that it was good (tov), and God divided the light from the darkness.
Exodus 2:2 KJV: And the woman conceived, and bare a son: and when she saw that he was a goodly (tov) child, she hid him three months.
Day Two: We have a few references to water, which God divided on day two. First, Moses’ mom places him in a basket by the river. The name Moses means “to draw out of the water.” God drew Moses out of the lower waters and placed him in the upper waters where He could sustain him.
Exodus 2:10: And the child grew, and she brought him to Pharaoh’s daughter, and he became her son. So she called his name Moses, saying, “Because I drew him out of the water.”
Psalm 18:16: He sent from above. He took me; He drew me out of many waters.
Moses descends from Levi (Ex 2.1). He would be a Priest whom God would require to divide rightly. In Exodus 14:16, we can see a pattern when God tells Moses to divide the waters, or the sea.
Exodus 14:16: But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea. (bold accent added)
Day Three: Here, a manifestation of the Holy One is speaking from a type of tree, a burning bush. Trees always point me to the third day. This is where Moses comes face to face with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Exodus 3:2: And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed.
Day Four: God tells Moses that Mount Sinai will be a sign (ot) that He has sent Moses to deliver Israel. God establishes signs and seasons on the fourth day of creation.
Exodus 3:12: So He said, “I will certainly be with you. And this shall be a sign (ot) to you that I have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.”
Day Five: There is a part of Moses’ story that is very strange. It happens in chapter four, verses 24-26. Zipporah, the wife of Moses, circumcises their little one, and I want to say she said some harsh words to her husband, “You are a husband of blood!”-because of the circumcision.” Right after this incident, Moses and Aaron speak the words of God to the elders of the children of Israel, doing wonders in front of them, causing them to believe in and worship the God of Israel. First, Moses had to get his house in order before he could bring the congregation of Israel into the covenant of Abraham. Getting his house in order had something to do with circumcision, the sign of the Abrahamic covenant.
Exodus 4:31: So the people believed; and when they heard that the Lord had visited the children of Israel and that He had looked on their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshiped.
Day Six- Moses is a King and Priest, just like Adam, who was born on the sixth day. The sixth day should point us to Kingship.
Deuteronomy 33:4-5: Moses commanded a law for us, a heritage of the congregation of Jacob. And He was King in Jeshurun, when the leaders of the people were gathered, all the tribes of Israel together.
Day Seven -It is interesting that when we first see the word Shabbat in the Exodus account, Pharaoh tells Moses, “Look, the people of the land are many now, and you make them REST (Shabbat) from their labor!”-Exodus 5:5 (accent added). The principalities or kings of this world do not want us to rest from laboring for them. Thankfully, the King of the Universe does desire that we rest in His shalom.
The Scriptures describe Moses as mighty in word and deed, like Yeshua. Moses described a prophet who would come from Israel, one to whom they should listen, and obey.
Luke 24:19: Yeshua said to them, “What kind of things?” And they said to Him, “The things about Yeshua from Natzeret, who was a Prophet, powerful in deed and word before God and all the people.
Acts 7:22: Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was powerful in his words and deeds.
Deuteronomy 18:15: The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your midst, from your brethren. Him you shall hear.
Again, we have this amazing human who brought an entire nation into covenant with God. He multiplied after his kind like no other, besides Yeshua. However, he was not the One. He was anointed and mighty. Deliverance came by his hand. But Moses was not the One who laid his life down as an offering. He could not cleanse the hearts of the people from the inside out.

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