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Torah Portions

Here we are in the Torah Portion labeled Miketz, meaning “At the End Of.” Genesis 41:1-44:17 fills in more colorful details to Joseph’s story. Up to this point, Joseph had endured affliction for 13 years. When he was seventeen, he went looking for his brothers, who sold him into slavery, and he began his reign in […]
As we travel along in our Torah Portions, next on the menu is Vayeshev, meaning, “And he dwelt,” which includes Genesis 37:1-40:1. Packed full of internal and external enemies, we begin with a dad instigating jealousy and hatred in his children by giving Joseph a visual sign of favor, a special covering. Next, we have […]
One of my first concerts as a young tyke was a punk band called Face to Face. Little did I know that much of the Bible teaches us to walk face-to-face with God and others. In our current Torah Portion, Vayishlach, meaning “And He Sent,” we find the word face resounding as Jacob sees God […]
This week’s Torah Portion includes Genesis 28:10-32:3, named Vayetze, meaning, “And he left.” The current story tells us about when Jacob left Laban’s house to return home with his new family and loot. Laban became an enemy to Jacob; more specifically, the greed that consumed him became an obstacle Jacob had to overcome. The Bible […]
We have finally “ketchuped” to the current Torah Portion, Toldot, which means “Generations.” You can read about Toldot in Genesis 25:19-28:9. A colorful enemy shows its face in the story of Jacob and Esau, two twin boys that Isaac and Rebeccah had. The enemy is the red earthly nature, a symbol of our human inclination […]
The Torah Portion ending on Saturday was “Chayei Sarah,” or the Life of Sarah. You can read about Sarah’s life in Genesis 23:1-25:18. Upon first look, it does not appear that there is a blatant enemy in this portion. However, a crucial enemy is lurking in between the lines. The enemy that Abraham guarded against […]
Much is happening in last week’s Torah Portion, Vayera, meaning, “And He appeared.” You can find this portion in Genesis 18:1-22:24. What would you say is the greatest enemy found in these chapters? From what I can see, it is the wickedness of humanity in the form of oppression. In the story of Noach, I […]
Abraham, the Father of Faithfulness, was tested in the same ways God tested Israel and describes a journey we all take. Many types of adversaries grace each Torah Portion; however, you should be able to find a common thread that none of them are celestial or otherworldly. Lech Lecha, the Torah Portion from last week, […]
“What did the mama tomato say to the baby tomato? Ketchup, baby tomato!” My son told me this joke when he was about four, and I am trying to “ketchup” to the current Torah Portion. Noach is the next Torah Portion for us to unpack and is found in Genesis 6:9-11:32. Just as in Beireshit, […]
Long time no smell! To say that this year has been challenging would be a massive understatement. I don’t believe I am out of the woods yet, but I see the light peeking through, allowing me to return to my favorite form of worship: studying the Bible. This year, I decided to walk you through […]
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