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Torah Portions

Beshalach (When He Sent Out)
You thought we were done with the new beginnings in Exodus, but heck no, we are not. Here is a wildly wonderful new beginning. It begins with the Pesach (Passover) Lamb and ends with the nation of Israel being born. Let us begin. One Day– The reason we connect the blood of the Lamb to […]

Bo (Go or Come)
In Shemot or Exodus, we have the Feast of Passover in a beautiful new creation pattern. The word beginning should point us to the first day of creation. Day One– Genesis 1:1: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Exodus 12:1-2: The Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, […]

Shemot (Names)
Here we are in the Exodus, Shemot in Hebrew. Shemot is one of my very favorite books in the Torah. There will be multiple new beginnings in this book. So exciting! Moses is quite a guy. One of a kind. The entire nation of Israel is immersed in Moses (1 Cor 10.2). That is pretty […]

Vayeshev (He Settled)
Joseph is an absolute shadow of Yeshua. He is one of Jacob’s two sons with Rachel. Jacob loved Joseph. We see a re-creation pattern as Joseph did what was right in God’s eyes, reflecting the correct image to the world. One day– Once again, we see this Hebrew phrase ‘abar, meaning to pass through, in […]

Vayetzei (And He Left)
We are now in Genesis chapters 28-32 for this week’s Torah Portion. Jacob enters the scene. His name means “supplanter or heel.” Not a very glamorous name, but it is better than his brother Esau’s name, which means “hairy.” Attractive, right? Ok, so Jacob becomes the new Adam in our pattern. One Day-Once again, we […]

Lech Lecha (Go to Yourself)
Abraham. What a guy. The writer of Hebrews says that Yeshua came after the Seed of Abraham (Hb 2.16). Noah walked with God, but he did not plant the seed of the Kingdom. The sixth day of Creation speaks of a King who plants a seed. In the Garden of Eden, that King was supposed […]

Noah (Noach)
The last Torah Portion was Beireshit or “In Beginning,” where I suggest that the Creation narrative is a pattern repeated in Scripture until the perfect Human comes and flawlessly reflects the Image of God. This is a re-creation pattern that I learned from Rabbi David Fohrman over at Alephbeta.org. One Day– The Ruach or Spirit […]

Bereishit (In Beginning)
The Torah is the first five books of the Bible. Across the world, there are hundreds of thousands of people reading the same portion of Scripture at the same time. We call the part of Scripture read each week a Torah Portion. Many scholars translate Torah as law; however, instructions would be a better and […]