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Brianna’s Musings

Serpents and Birds

So many people have put together ideas and theories about what in the world the serpent in the Garden of Eden represents. I am going to add one more thought process to the mix. The Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) ascended upon Yeshua in the Jordan as a bird. A bird is an animal living the […]

Devils and Demons and Darkness, Oh My!

Let’s try to wrestle with the topic of demons, even if it is a touchy subject. One of the main BLB (Blue Letter Bible) definitions of daimonian, usually translated as demon or devil, is an idol or god of the nations. Let’s take this and other verses from the Scriptures and attempt to form an […]

The Day of Covering

Today is the Day of Atonement, called Yom Kippur in Hebrew, or the Day of Coverings. To forgive us for every offense is to cover our sins, and can only come from a place of pure love. Yeshua is the manifestation of God’s love for us. Romans 4:7: Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are […]

The Shame Game

Another beautiful soul has passed away. My friend Ray, may his memory be a blessing, could not find his way out of addiction and struggle. I am heartbroken. His wife said he would cry and pound his leg and say, “I hate this!” “I hate living like this!” I have also been in this vicious […]

Two Become One

God created us for intimacy. Intimacy with God and humans. Not just any intimacy but a connection so deep that two beings become one, or echad in Hebrew. Vertical intimacy (towards God) is where we cling to Him after drawing near His Presence through worship. Worship is to God what sex is to humans. We […]

Da Devil

John 8:44: You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks lies, he is just being himself—for he is a liar and the […]


Tonight is Passover, where we celebrate our exodus from Pharaoh’s House of Bondage. The name Pharoah means “Great House” in Hebrew. Remember that human beings are houses or dwellings-either for the Spirit of God to dwell or for a habitation of darkness. The Israelites became extremely oppressed as enslaved people in Egypt, the realm of […]

Royal Priesthood

The last few Torah Portions have been about the tabernacle and the Priesthood. Understanding how Moses built the tabernacle based on his heavenly vision seems simple enough. We can read about this in Hebrews 8:5; “They offer service in a replica and foreshadower of the heavenly—one that is just as Moses was instructed by God […]

Tetzaveh (You Shall Command)

In Terumah, we discussed how we are a tabernacle where the Breath or Spirit of God dwells. We also make up a greater tabernacle where the Spirit dwells amongst us. We can’t see this tabernacle, but it comprises everyone working towards a common goal. The goal is to create a space for the Creator to […]

Terumah (Heave Offering)

In this Torah Portion, we have what I call a recipe for the Divine Presence to dwell inside of us. Humans are dwellings. We can either be a dwelling of light or darkness, good or evil, pride or humility, love or apathy. There were furnishings or elements that Moses placed inside the tent before the […]
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