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Searching For Shadows

These are a shadow of the things to come…but the substance belongs to Messiah

About Brianna Lehmann

Hello and welcome to my little piece of the World Wide Web. My name is Brianna, and I live in New Mexico, where the food is fabulous and the culture is colorful. I am a homeschool mama of two beautifully and wonderfully made kiddos. I am married to the most handsome, hard-working, son of a gun. As far as my faith walk goes, I grew up a Pentecostal preacher’s kid, and about thirteen years ago, my mother-in-love introduced me to the fullness of the Torah and Yeshua. I love every new twist and turn in the beautiful story of our Creator. I find immense joy in teaching what I learn to my children and anyone else who may be curious. I hope you find a nugget of hope and encouragement in my ramblings.